Linux Archive

12 Feb 2019

How to block Denial of Service (DoS) with null route

On a Linux/Unix system you can mitigate the effects of an attack by blocking the communication with the attacking ip addresses. You can either do this by creating IPTables Rules or via a null route also known
8 Feb 2019

List all IP addresses connected to your Server

We have multiple methods to list all the IP addressed, but below is a Unix command to list all the IP addresses connected to your server on port 80. List all the IP Address # netstat -tn
7 Feb 2019

About the chef-repo Directory Structure

A chef is a configuration management system designed to allow you to automate and control large numbers of computers in an automated and reliable manner. The chef works with three core components: The Chef server, workstations, and
17 Jan 2019

How To Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04 LTS

Docker is a container-based application framework that allows deploying programs that are run as containers. They’re similar to virtual machines, but containers are more portable, more resource-friendly, and more dependent on the host operating system. See Also:
16 Jan 2019

How To Install Docker CE on CentOS/RHEL 7/6

Docker is an application that makes it simple and easy to run application processes in a container, which are like virtual machines, only more portable, more resource-friendly, and more dependent on the host operating system. See Also:
15 Jan 2019

What is Docker & Docker Container ?

What is Docker & Docker Container Docker is an open-source software platform to create, deploy and manage virtualized application containers on a common operating system. Docker enables developers to run any application as a lightweight, which can
4 Sep 2017

How to connect Chef Server with Nodes on Linux

The main part of chef that allows you to connect a node to a chef server is called chef-client. A node is any physical, virtual, or cloud machine that is configured to be maintained by a chef-client.
21 Aug 2017

Install and Configure a Chef Workstation on CentOS/RHEL 7/6

A Chef workstation is a system, which we use to develop recipes and cookbooks and interact with a chef nodes. It helps in configuring organizational policy, including defining roles & environments and ensuring that critical data is
15 Aug 2017

How to Install the Chef Server on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7

A chef is a Ruby-based configuration management engine. Chef server acts as a single point of contact for agents to pull configurations that are applicable to them. Chef server stores cookbooks, metadata of the nodes, environment and
10 Aug 2017

Multiple Vagrant VMs in One Vagrantfile

With the help of Vagrant, you can create a virtual machine as per requirement. You can also modify the physical properties of this virtual machine such as RAM, CPUs, etc. You can Establish network interfaces so that