Monitoring Tool Archive
11 Apr 2020
How to install Check_mk Agent in CentOS 6/7/8
Now we will add a Linux host (CentOS/RHEL 6/7/8), To add any Linux host to Check_MK we require to install Check_mk Agent. Check_mk agent package can be downloaded from OMD instance or ChecK_MK Server from URL: http://server_IP/techoismmonitor/check_mk/agents/
10 Apr 2020
Adding a Check_MK Agent in Windows Host
Now we will add a Windows host machine to Check_mk, to do this download agent setup from omd server or check_MK server http://<Server-IP>/techoismmonitor/check_mk/agents/ This article will help you to install check_mk agent in Windows Host. Step
9 Apr 2020
Install and configure Check_MK 1.5 Server on Ubuntu 18.10/19.10
Check_MK is a free, open-source IT infrastructure monitoring tool. It replaces the standard Nagios GUI and way the systems are monitored on Nagios, it gives the graphical administration of monitoring and boosts other features like auto-detection of
5 Apr 2020
How To Monitor Your Linux Server Using NRPE Agent
Nagios XI is Network Monitoring tools which frequently check all of your network resources and send’ s email alerts before it’ s downtime and much more. Nagios XI provides organizations with many benefits: Comprehensive IT Infrastructure Monitoring
3 Apr 2020
Install and configure Check_MK 1.6 Server on CentOS 7
Check_MK is a free, open-source IT infrastructure monitoring tool. It’s actually Nagios plugins which enhances their capabilities and performance. It replaces the standard Nagios GUI and way the systems are monitored on Nagios, it gives the graphical
16 Jul 2017
How to Install Munin Monitoring Tool On CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5
By Anuket Jain On 16 July 2017 In Monitoring Tool
Munin Monitoring Tool uses RRDTool and a frame work was written in Perl. Munin is an open source web based networking resource monitoring tool that can be used to monitor all computers on your network. It displays
23 May 2016
How to Install Netdata Monitoring Tool For Linux
By Anuket Jain On 23 May 2016 In Monitoring Tool
Netdata is a free software (a daemon) which gathers a real-time performance data from Linux systems, Application, and SNMP devices, picture it in the web-based interface. Netdata additionally gives the representation of past data’s. In simple word,
14 Jul 2015
How to Install Nagios 4.1.1 on Ubuntu
By Anuket Jain On 14 July 2015 In Monitoring Tool
Nagios is an open source, effective monitoring system. It empowers associations to recognize and resolve IT foundation issues before they affect critical business processes. Nagios has ability of monitoring application, services, entire IT infrastructure. Nagios will be
10 Jul 2015
Steps to Configure Nagios 4.1.1 on CentOS, Red Hat & Fedora
By Anuket Jain On 10 July 2015 In Monitoring Tool
Nagios is an open source, effective monitoring system. It empowers associations to recognize and resolve IT foundation issues before they affect critical business processes. Nagios has ability of monitoring application, services, entire IT infrastructure. Nagios will be
10 Apr 2015
Install Nagios 4.0.7 on CentOS/RHEL
By Anuket Jain On 10 April 2015 In Monitoring Tool
Nagios is a monitoring tools. With Nagios we can check systems, applications and services are working properly or not. If any service or application fail, Nagios can alert by email.. Step 1: Install Required Packages and Dependencies