Sed Command for CentOS/RHEL

sed, short for “stream editor”, used for modifying the files in unix (or linux). At whatever point you need to change the file automatically, sed proves to be useful to do this. You can do numerous things separated from replacing content with sed. Sed doesn’t typically modify an original input file ; instead we can send contents of our file through a pipe to be processed by sed. In this post we will discuss different way to use sed command.

Sed Command

Consider the below text file as an input file.

# cat sed.txt


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Some sed Command Examples

Replacing string

With sed command we replace the text in a file.

# sed 's/linux/windows/' sed.txt


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In the above sed command we replaces the word “linux” with “windows” in the file.

“s” consider files as separate rather than as a single continuous long stream.
“/” are delimiters.
“linux” is the search pattern.
“windows” is the replacement string.

Replacing all the string in a file

Use flag /g (global replacement) specifies the sed command to replace all the occurrences of the string in the line.

# sed 's/linux/windows/g' sed.txt


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Changing the slash (/) delimiter

Use any delimiter rather than the slash. Suppose you want to change the web url then use following command:

# sed 's/http:\/\//www./' sed.txt


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Using too many backslashes makes the sed command typical. In this case we can change the delimiter to another character as shown in the below example.

# sed 's_http://_www._' file.txt
# sed 's|http://|www.|' file.txt


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Using “&” as the matched string

In some cases where you want to search string and replace it with adding some extra characters. In that case use following command:

# sed 's/linux/(&)/' sed.txt


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(linux) is opensource OS. linux is free OS.
(linux) perform task fast than windows.
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# sed 's/linux/(&&)/' sed.txt


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(linuxlinux) is opensource OS. linux is free OS.
(linuxlinux) perform task fast than windows.
(linuxlinux)windows which one you choose.

Using \1, \2 and so on

If you want to replace the string “linux” in a line with thrice as the string like “linuxlinuxlinux” use the sed command as below:

# sed 's/\(linux\)/\1\1\1/' sed.txt


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If you want to switch the strings “linuxwindows” as “windowslinux”, use the sed command as below:

# sed 's/\(linux\)\(windows\)/\2\1/' sed.txt


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linux is opensource OS. linux is free OS.
linux perform task fast than windows.
windowslinux which one you choose.

If you want to switch the first three characters in a line then use sed command as below:

# sed 's/^\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)/\3\2\1/' sed.txt


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Duplicating the replaced line

The /p print flag prints the replaced line twice on the terminal. If a line does not have the search pattern and is not replaced, then the /p prints that line only once.

# sed 's/OS/operating system/p' sed.txt


Wants to learn different operating system.
linux is opensource operating system. linux is free OS.
linux is opensource operating system. linux is free OS.
linux perform task fast than windows.
linuxwindows which one you choose.
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