Technology Archive

10 Aug 2016

Encrypt Messages & Files Using OpenSSL on Linux

OpenSSL is an effective cryptography toolbox. Many of us have used OpenSSL for making RSA Private Keys or CSR (Certificate Signing Request). However, did you realize that you can use OpenSSL to encrypt files or messages? This
10 Aug 2016

How to Install Grunt & Grunt-cli on Ubuntu

Grunt is a Javascript task runner that can be used to compile Sass, run JSHint, or run many other plugins. Grunt has a long list of plugin to perform tasks provided by its community. It depends on
7 Jun 2016

Commonly use Java Keytool Keystore Commands

Java Keytool is a key and certificate management. It permits users to deal with their own public/private key pairs and certificates. It additionally permits clients to cache certificates. Java Keytool stores the keys and certificates in what
30 May 2016

Special File Permissions in Linux

Special file permissions are accessible for executable files and directories. Special permissions on files and directories in linux are : SetUID, SetGID and Sticky bit. You should be greatly cautious when you set special permissions. If user
25 May 2016

How to Install Firefox 46 in Linux

Firefox is a free and open source web browser from Mozilla. Firefox 46.0.1 Released for systems and Android on May 3, 2016 with various bug fixes major issue related to add-on memory leaks. What’s new and What’s
24 May 2016

How to Change Default Apache ‘DocumentRoot’ in Linux

The word, Apache, has been taken from the name of the Native American tribe ‘Apache’, well known for its skills in warfare and strategy making. Apache is the most broadly used web server software. Apache is a
23 May 2016

How to Install Netdata Monitoring Tool For Linux

Netdata is a free software (a daemon) which gathers a real-time performance data from Linux systems, Application, and SNMP devices, picture it in the web-based interface. Netdata additionally gives the representation of past data’s. In simple word,
20 May 2016

How to Install WordPress Using Nginx on CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5

WordPress is the most widely used open source web blogging and content management software written in php and MySQL. In this article, I will show you how to install WordPress using Nginx on CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5. Step #1
18 May 2016

How to Install WordPress Using Apache on CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5

WordPress started as a blogging system, but now has become a full content management system (CMS). Since WordPress is a free open source program, it has become the most popular CMS on the Web. It has huge
18 May 2016

Windows Batch Script to Take Backup of Server Event Log

One of the most common, and well suited, applications for a command line script is to take backup of event log. Event log is necessary for troubleshooting systems. Command line scripts can be automated to run at