Script to take backup of code in Bash
One of the easiest ways to backup a system is using a shell script. Case in point, script can be used to configure which directories to backup, and pass those directories as contentions to the tar utility, which makes a document record. The document record can then be moved or replicated to another area.
The tar utility makes one document record out of numerous records or indexes. tar can also filter the files through compression utilities, consequently decreasing the measure of the file record.
This tutorial will help you to take a backup of your website code directory and also send email when backup has been completed.
Simple Shell Script
Backup Location: /home/admin/Archive/code
LogFile: /home/admin/Archive/LOGFILE
Code Location: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
#!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +%F) LOGFILE=/home/admin/Archive/LOGFILE LOG=$LOGFILE/backup-$DATE.log COMPLETE_CODE=/home/admin/Archive/code/$DATE #####Creating Directory mkdir -p '/home/admin/Archive/code/'$DATE chmod -R 777 /home/admin/Archive/code/$DATE cd /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ #####Backup of code on Server tar cvzf $COMPLETE_CODE/techosim.tar.gz techosim ## Backup Status echo -e "===========Backup Status============\n" > $LOG echo -e "Backup Successful of Code on Server\n " >> $LOG Subject="Successfully Server Backup :: (${DATE})" echo -e "====================================\n" >> $LOG ## Check Size of Backup Status echo "==============Size of Backup=============" >> $LOG du -sh /home/admin/Archive/code/$DATE/* >> $LOG echo -e "====================================\n" >> $LOG cat $LOG | mail -s "$Subject"
Enjoy it!