Some more oDesk Linux Question
1) What does the du command do?
a. If shows disk usage
b. It shows the details of the currently logged in user
c. It shows the disk file size
d. None of these
Answer: a
2) Which of the following vi commands is used to enter in to insert mode?
a. i
b. -l
c. -m
d. None of these
Answer: i
3) What does permission 644 denote?
a. -rw-r–r–
b. -rw-rx-rx-
c. -rwxr–r–
d. -r-xr-xr-x
Answer: a
4) What does the pwd command do?
a. It changes the password of a user
b. It shows the current path where the user is
c. It shows the passwd file
d. It shows information about Linux architecture
Answer: b
5) What kind of software is the Linux operating system?
a. Open Source
b. Proprietary Software
c. A and B Both
d. None of These
Answer: a
6) Which command changes permission of the files or directories
a. chmod
b. changemode
c. chpermission
d. usermod
Answer: a
7) Which of the following vi commands will delete the current line?
a. del
b. dd
c. DD
d. Delete
Answer: b
8) What is the purpose of the makewhatis command?
a. Updating the whatis database
b. Giving a brief description of the whatis command
c. Updating the man pages
d. Updating the rpm database
Answer: a
9) What is the meaning of GPL?
a. General Public License
b. General Purpose Language
c. General Publishing License
d. General Power Language
Answer: a
10) Which of the following is the intermediate between the hardware and the shell in the Linux operating system?
a. Bios
b. Kernal
c. Logs
d. Ram Disk
Answer: b
11) Which of the following is the correct path of the passwd file?
a. /usr/bin
b. /etc/passwd
c. /sbin/passwd
d. /root/Desktop
Answer: b
12) Which is the correct syntax to give permission 755 to the dir /etc/test ?
a. chmod 755 /etc/test
b. changemode 755 /etc/test
c. modechange 755 /etc/test
d. None of these
Answer: a
13) How many terminals are provided be default in the Linux operating system?
a. 2 virtual consoles and one graphical console
b. 4 virtual consoles and one graphical console
c. 6 virtual consoles and one graphical console
d. 5 virtual consoles and one graphical console
Answer: c
14) Which command is used to add a new group?
a. groupadd
b. addgroup
c. grpadd
d. addgrp
Answer: a
15) Which of the following commands will create a softlink?
a. $ ln -s /etc/test test
b. $ ln -softlink /etc/test test
c. $ ln /etc/test test
d. $ ln -slink /etc/test test
Answer: a
16) What does permission 777 denote?
a. -rw-rw-rw-
b. -rwx-wxr-x
c. -rwxrwxrw-
d. -rwxrwxrwx
Answer: d
17) What output should the ls command show after executing the following command?
$ touch {report,graph}_{jan,feb,mar}
a. report_jan report_feb report_mar graph_jan graph_feb graph_mar
b. report_jan
c. report_feb
d. report_mar
Answer: a
18) Which command adds a new user?
a. usernew
b. useradd
c. newuser
d. None of these
Answer: b
19) Which command is used to modify the user?
a. modseradd
b. moduser
c. usermod
d. modify
Answer: c
20) What does the history command do?
a. It shows user information
b. It hides user information
c. It hides the history of commands which have been executed in the current session
d. It displays the complete list of commands which have been executed in the current session
Answer: d