Author Archive
9 May 2019
Install and Configure Ambari Server with MySQL in CentOS/RHEL 7/6
Apache Ambari is an open source administration tool deploy to manage Hadoop cluster and responsible to monitor running applications and their status. In other words, Apache Ambari is an open source web-based management tool that manages, monitors
7 May 2019
How to Install Slack in CentOS/Redhat 7/6
Slack is a way to communicate and work more effectively and efficiently. You probably communicate with your teammates/colleagues, make decisions, and share the information. Slack has support on many different platforms, like Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and
4 May 2019
How to Backup Linux Filesystem Using Clonezilla
Clonezilla is a free, disaster-recovery open source backup tool. Clonezilla helps us to take a clone of a single drive or a single partition within the drive and then recover it in future if required. You can
26 Apr 2019
How to Install CodeIgniter on Ubuntu 18.04
CodeIgniter is an Open-Source and powerful PHP framework. It is used to develop web applications which are very small but very powerful. CodeIgniter’s helps people to write their own applications which is much faster and easier by
24 Apr 2019
What are Apache Ambari and Its Benefits
Apache Ambari is an open source administration tool deploy to manage Hadoop cluster and responsible to monitor running applications and their status. In other words, Apache Ambari is an open source web-based management tool that manages, monitors
18 Apr 2019
How to Install Slack in Ubuntu 18.04/16.04
Slack is a way to communicate and work more effectively and efficiently. You probably communicate with your teammates/colleagues, make decisions, and share the information. Slack has support on many different platforms, like Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and
15 Apr 2019
How to Install Oracle Database 12c Release 2 in Linux 7
Oracle Database is an object-relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle Corporation. The Oracle Database 12c is a high-performance, enterprise-class database. Oracle Database is the most popular, trusted database systems. Oracle Database support multiple operating systems
12 Apr 2019
Install MySQL Password Validation Plugin on Linux
When thinking about security within a MySQL installation is protecting MySQL data. MySQL provides many tools and plugins in order to protect your data. Now MySQL version 5.6.4 comes with a new security plugin called Password Validation
9 Apr 2019
Linux System Admin Interview Questions & Answers
In this article, we are going to discuss some Linux system admin interview questions with the answers for experienced professionals. Below mentioned questions may help you to clear Linux interviews. See Also: LVM- LINUX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS SSH
4 Apr 2019
HOW TO INSTALL MOODLE 3.6.3 ON Ubuntu 18.04/16.04
By Anuket Jain On 4 April 2019 In Home
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free open-source learning management system or e-Learning platform, that makes it easy for you to provide online support for your course. Moodle provides a place where you can easily