21 Aug 2015

CentOS 6.7 Release

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS Linux 6.7. CentOS Linux 6.7 is derived from source code released by Red Hat, Inc. for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7. Every single upstream variation have been
20 Aug 2015

Sed Command for CentOS/RHEL

sed, short for “stream editor”, used for modifying the files in unix (or linux). At whatever point you need to change the file automatically, sed proves to be useful to do this. You can do numerous things
19 Aug 2015

Keep logs of user after sudo su

After executing “sudo su -” or “su – ” user will get access as root, And Generally Its difficult to track which command is executed by user in log format. This tutorial/Commands help you to keep log/watch
19 Aug 2015

phpMyAdmin “Cannot start session without errors”

Sometimes phpMyAdmin is not accessible and gives the error message “Can’t start session without error”. This can be because of either a client sided issue, or a server-sided issue. From client side issue with cookies and from
18 Aug 2015

Convert a putty ppk file to a pem file

Recently, I am working on the AWS project, so I have to access AWS EC2 instance. ppk file was provided me to connect it, But I have to connect it with Linux machine so I required pem
9 Aug 2015

How to configure Master-Slave MySQL Replication on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7

MySQL replication is a procedure that permits you to easily keep up multiple copies of a MySQL data by having them replicated consequently from an master to a slave database. This can helpful for some reasons including
4 Aug 2015

Ago function in PHP

We always required time ago in our website. Here we have function for the same. You can enjoy with the embed in your website. Example of Ago function in PHP as below $datetime = '2015-07-31 22:00:00'; $time
31 Jul 2015

How to Check Memory Usage on CentOS/RHEL

Linux has different set of commands to check the usage of memory. The free command shows the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system, as well as the buffers used by
30 Jul 2015

No space left on CentOS/RHEL Server

Sometime you Can’t write to the hard disk on a Linux or Unix-like systems? or in other words we can say that we face issue “No space left on device”, although partition was not nearly full. So
29 Jul 2015

PHP mail function

This PHP mail function script has the ability to send a plain text email message. There are much better and more advanced PHP scripts on the Internet, but I hope this example will help you to understand,